The first beer is from the Wildbräu brewery in Bavaria, which has been brewing since the year 1060, making it one of the oldest breweries in the world. The flavor was very smooth and overall mild up front, with a nice citrusy side flavor as well. You definitely taste some lightly roasted malt/barley and I’d say it’s a full flavor Helles-style beer. This would be perfect on a hot day and it has a fantastic flavor balance. Sehr Gut!

The next beer is from the Hirsch brewery in the Donaubergland region. They’ve been brewing since 1782 and are still family-owned. This Helles-style beer goes in a different direction. Immediately you taste a woodsy/pine flavor, it really does taste like a forest in a way. But it’s still quite smooth and have a lot of carbonation. This is a very full flavored beer overall. I’d say in terms of the “Helles” side there’s some very slight lime rind flavor in the aftertaste and background.

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